Q: Does a pass entitle my child to ride any bus he/she chooses?
NO. Bus passes are specific to a route and stop. Passes are not transferable and riders cannot bring friends home with them on the bus unless that friend also holds a pass on the same line. The bus program provides neighborhood to school service. If you need a pass for your child to travel to any other location on a regular basis (e.g., the TPC), a separate annual pass must be purchased.
Q: Do you sell single trip or "playdate" passes?
No. Single-trip passes are not available.
Q: Are there limited seats available?
Yes. Each route has a limited number of seats available for sale and routes will close once full. Purchasing a seat early will help ensure your child gets a seat on the desired route.
Q: Do you pro-rate the price of a pass during the year?
At its sole discretion, the JPA may reduce the price of passes as the year elapses, but there is no ongoing formulaic pro-rating. Availability of these passes is based on unsold seats and is not guaranteed.
Q: When do passes go on sale?
Passes typically go on sale beginning in May and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Q: How do I buy a pass?
Passes can be purchased online using a Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover credit card. If you have questions, please contact the Program Manager at:
Q: How much does a pass cost?
The price of a one-way pass (morning or afternoon) is $345. That equates to less than $2 per trip.
Q: Are there discounts for multi-child families?
Q: What if my child lives in two households and needs a pass for each home?
Passes for each residence must be purchased if the routes for each home are different.
Q: Are free passes available for qualifying students?
Yes. For questions about free bus passes, please contact Charlesetta Smith at RUSD's District Office, at
Q: When will I receive my child's pass?
Passes purchased before July 15th will be mailed on or around August 1 to the mailing address indicated at checkout. Passes purchased after this date will be mailed out within two weeks of purchase.
Q: Does my child need to show a pass to board the bus?
Yes. Students will receive a route-specific pass based on the bus stop and route selected at the time of purchase. Students must carry this pass whenever they ride the bus, even if the driver already knows the student.
Q: What if my child loses his/her bus pass?
If a child loses his/her pass, a replacement pass may be purchased online for $10. The pass will be mailed within two business days of purchase.
Q: Can I get a refund?
There are no refunds unless service is suspended for a reason beyond our control. Students whose passes have been revoked for failing to comply with bus ridership rules are ineligible for refunds. The only exception is if a child leaves RUSD. In that instance, the refund will be pro-rated based on the time remaining on the pass.
Q: Are Yellow Buses safe?
School buses are some of the safest vehicle on the road today. According the National Safety Council Statistics, school buses are 172 times safer than passenger cars in terms of occupant deaths per 100 million passenger miles traveled. School buses rank much better than any other form of surface transportation.
Q: Who operates the buses?
First Student operates the Yellow Buses for our program. First Student is the largest provider of school bus services in the United States and transports over six million students daily. The yard that services RUSD is in Richmond.
Q: Who administers the bus program?
The day-to-day operations of the Yellow Bus program and strategic oversight and planning of the program are handled by the Tiburon Peninsula Traffic Relief JPA.
Q: What are the qualifications of the drivers?
First Student's drivers are fully certified, courteous, and professional. In addition to a Commercial Driver's License, school bus drivers must also obtain a School Pupil Activity Bus (SPAB) certification. This certification process trains drivers on issues specific to student transportation and also includes fingerprinting and background checks.
Q: Will my child have the same driver each day?
First Student drivers are assigned the same routes each day, but they are entitled to sick days and vacation, and some driver attrition is inevitable.
Q: What if the bus is late?
This sometimes happens due to traffic or mechanical problems. The tracking app allows parents to track buses in real time and receive push notifications about delays or cancellations.
Q: How do I download the tracking app?
Parents will be emailed with instructions.
Q: What if my child misses the bus?
Missing the bus happens to some kids from time-to-time so please be prepared. Every family should have a backup plan where kids have a way to contact a parent or neighbor who can get them to school, or who they can notify if they plan to walk.
Q: Is there a Lost & Found?
We are not responsible for lost items. If the driver finds lost items on the bus, he/she will keep the item on the bus for one week. Riders or parents should retrieve the item from the driver at the first possible opportunity. Please note the following exceptions: high value items (e.g., iPads, musical instruments) may be dropped at a school office after one day.
Q: Who do I contact with a problem?
Please contact the YBC Program Manager at:
Q: What happens if there is an emergency?
In the event of an emergency or similar serious incident, First Student, Marin Transit, and the JPA Program Manager will dedicate themselves to securing the safety of students as a first priority and will respond to the incident accordingly. Communication to parents will be sent as soon as possible once all necessary safety and response measures have been taken and information is available to share.
Q: Can my child be assigned to more than one route?
No. All students are assigned to one route and one stop. If a child needs to ride more than one route, for example if he/she lives between parents' homes, please purchase a pass for each route he/she needs to ride.
Q: Can my child get off at a different stop?
Yes. If your child would like to disembark at a different stop they may do so if it is on their assigned route, but please let the driver and/or YBC program manager know in advance for younger (Reed/Bel Aire) riders.
Q: Can my child bring a friend home on the bus?
No, unless the friend has an annual pass for that particular route.
Q: What if my child has to cross the street?
Routes have been developed in partnership with the Tiburon Police Department to ensure safety and convenience. Where needed, a driver will stop oncoming traffic and allow students to cross in front of the bus.
Q: Can riders open the windows?
Q: Can my child eat or drink on the bus?
No. Eating and drinking are prohibited. Please remind your children of this rule, particularly in light of fellow students with severe food allergies.
Q: How is discipline carried out on the bus?
Drivers are responsible for maintaining proper student supervision and monitoring of all students on board.
Q: What happens if a child doesn't follow the rules?
An Incident Report Form will be filed and the parents will be informed. All bus drivers will have citation forms on the bus. Citations will be used as a tool by the bus drivers to maintain a safe environment on the buses for all students.
Q: Can my child's bus pass be taken away?
Yes. If a child does not respond to the progressive discipline assigned, a child's pass may be suspended or revoked without refund.
Q: Are parents financially responsible for vandalism?
Yes. Parents are financially responsible for vandalism caused by their child, either on the bus or at a bus stop.