In April 2016, the Town of Tiburon, the City of Belvedere and Reed Union School District (RUSD) voted to form the Tiburon Peninsula Traffic Relief Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to coordinate efforts to reduce school-related congestion on Tiburon Boulevard.
The JPA's formation was catalyzed by the overwhelming success of the pilot 2015-16 Yellow Bus Challenge, which doubled school bus ridership to 44% of RUSD students and reduced transit times on Tiburon Boulevard by 40% around school bell times, alleviating much of the school-related traffic in our community.
The pilot program was developed thanks to the collaborative efforts and financial support of our local municipalities and RUSD. More routes, shorter travel times, campus-specific buses and half-price bus passes, along with the willingness of parents to "jump on board", underpinned the success of the program.
With another successful year of growth and continued traffic relief, the JPA is proud to continue management of the the Yellow Bus program.
For access to the JPA meeting agendas and minutes, please visit the Archives page. Requests for additional information can be requested by emailing